Thursday, January 31, 2008

Otitis media

the other night i went to the ER at like 12:30 am. i have Otitis media!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNN. jk that's just the scientific name for a middle ear infection. its one of those things that i feel dumb telling people because i feel like they are just like "oh, just an ear infection.." but it huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurt. plus my neck hurts like crazy from sleeping all weird trying not to lay on my ear, plus my stomach feels sick from the antibiotics, plus i have a migraine from the vicodin. but mostly, i'll complain about the ear pain. its alot better now. i think my ear drum ruptured (based on my online studying, and the fact that my ear is "draining" gross) but it says that's fine and it should heal fast. its just kind gross. it does make it feel better tho cuz there's less pressure. sooo this is my 3rd day missing work in my 3rd week of work. AND its the worst possible time. i think i'm gonna throw on some clothes and show up in an hour or two. i think they need help rearranging some rooms and ish like that.... AND i have 3 doctors appts coming up too! ahhhhhhh


Stephanie said...

Sorry about your ear. I hope it feels better. How did you get an ear infection?

Angie said...

Ear infections for adults are a lot worse than ones for kids, so don't feel like a wimp for having "just and ear infection." :) Hope you're feeling better soon. Don't get addicted to pain killers, ok?

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